Stockholm Numismatica 2024
Numismatic Fair
Sunday 29th of September – Hotell Sheraton 10.00-16.00
The Numismatic Fair in Stockholm is a common arrangement of Myntauktioner i Sverige AB (MISAB) and Sveriges Mynthandlares Förening (SMF).
The famous MISAB:s auction on Saturday the 28th of September will be followed by a numismatic fair on Sunday the 29th of September which will be held at Hotel Sheraton, in Stockholm. The fair organisers believe in the combination and synergy of a quality coin auction and a long-awaited numismatic fair which will attract a decent amount of visitors. There are plenty accommodation and parking alternatives, both in Hotel Sheraton and other hotels in proximity. If you wish to stay at Hotel Sheraton we recommend you book in a timely manner as it’s usually fully booked during the weekend of the auction and the fair.
Fair Organizer: Roberto Delzanno,